Fresh, smooth skin is popular all year long, but especially so in summer. Many patients want to avoid wearing makeup during hot weather and instead show off a bright, clear complexion. Unfortunately, if you’re dealing with acne scars, wrinkles, or excessive pigmentation, it may be hard to feel confident in your bare skin. But thanks…
Introducing the industry leader of pharmaceutical-grade chemical peels. Chemical peels use a three-step process to remove the outermost skin layer, which can suffer from clogged pores and dry skin. The procedure is a safe, effective way to brighten your complexion. VI Peels reduce the appearance of age spots, sun damage, and melasma; helps diminish acne…
It’s not too late to start following these 3 resolutions for healthier, more radiant skin in 2019. In fact, experts say February is actually the best time to implement your resolutions. The holidays are far behind, and the pressure of the new year is lessening. Think about incorporating these 3 skin care resolutions in to…
Skin aging is a natural process, but daily sun exposure can contribute to premature aging. Sun-damaged skin appears dull, with older, damaged cells accumulating due to slower skin cell turnover. The complete skin care system is specially formulated for all skin types (normal, dry or oily) to help correct rough skin, hyperpigmentation, such as redness,…
Women who have conscientiously followed a daily skincare regimen for years to keep their faces looking youthful come to our practice to address concerns about the appearance of their necks. Even though they've applied sunscreen and moisturizers to their faces, they often neglected to include their necks and have ended up with wrinkles and lines.…
As plastic surgery professionals, we of course recognize the importance and value of surgical and non-surgical treatments for maintaining a beautiful, youthful appearance. However, the old adage that “beauty comes from within" rings true as well. Every day in our Naples office, we see patients of all ages with luminous, glowing skin. The secrets to…
Many of our patients feel having plastic surgery is a club reserved exclusively for women. However, a recent press release from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons is disproving this notion. Plastic surgery procedures have risen 115% since 2000, but women aren’t alone in seeking ways to improve their appearance. In 2015, men accounted for…
We've been busy lately. Don't get us wrong, we're always busy doing the things we love: caring for our loyal patients, meeting new patients, teaching, and learning. But this is a different kind of busy. You may be aware that we are in the initial stages of our big move to a new building on…
Naples Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Kent Hasen, continues his discussion of common sunscreen myths. Chemicals in Sunscreen Interfere with Hormones and Cause Cancer FALSE! Most people’s concern regarding sunscreen stems from two ingredients: oxybenzone and retinyl palmitate. Oxybenzone is a synthetic estrogen first approved by the FDA in 1978 and present in sunscreen since the early…
SUNSCREEN CAUSES MELANOMA FALSE! Many patients worry that instead of preventing this deadly form of skin cancer, sunscreen can actually cause the disease. However, there are NO studies to support this notion. In fact, a recent groundbreaking study found that regular sunscreen use reduced the incidence of melanoma by 50-73%! Of the seven most common…