Top 3 Beauty Treatments for Fall

Glamorous model in shimmery dress holding gift box

The year seems to be speeding by, and the holidays are quickly approaching. Now is the best time to start preparing skin and lashes for the fun events already on the calendar. As we settle back into the routine of fall, these are the top treatments our staff and patients are loving for facial rejuvenation. From restoring the skin’s radiance, replacing early signs of volume loss, and strengthening lashes, these easy treatments are simple ways to feel rejuvenated for the season ahead.

Laser Genesis

After summer, skin can feel a little ragged. The days of sitting in the sun and summer travels certainly cause skin to lose its luster. The Laser Genesis is a quick, painless, no downtime facial to restore your skin’s glow and rejuvenate collagen. The treatment takes only 30 minutes and is perfect before a big event or to simply return the youthful glow lost to the hazards of summer.

Restylane Defyne

The first area patients typically notice signs of aging is around the corners of the mouth. Volume and bone loss begin early in these areas and can cause the lower face to appear weak and unsupported. Restylane Defyne is designed with “Expression” technology to provide support while still stretching and flexing with motion, allowing for a natural, soft result. Restylane Defyne is particularly beneficial for patients who want to look natural in photos. The product’s advanced properties allow for the most natural expression, while still providing the support and structure needed around the mouth and chin. With prime holiday photo season quickly approaching, consider this product your pre-emptive strike against those first signs of aging.


Beautiful full lashes never got out of style. The approach of the holiday season means the start of family events and holiday parties. Thick, dark lashes make the eyes look youthful and bright. Not only does AlphaLash encourage lashes to grow, it nourishes and hydrates lashes, so they are healthy and strong. It takes time to see optimal results, so starting daily use of AlphaLash now will ensure lashes are at their best for this busy time of year.

With fall in full swing, our office is here to keep you informed about the top beauty treatments for the new season. Contact our office at 239-262-5662 to schedule your personalized consultation or for further information about any of these treatments.

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