What Is Renuvion® Skin Tightening? Answers to Your Top FAQs

Beautiful woman with perfect face skin, holding fingers on cheek on grey background (model)

As you get older, you may notice sagging or crepey skin in certain areas of your face, neck, and body. Skin laxity on your upper arms or neck can make you self-conscious in certain clothing or social situations. If you are not ready for a surgical procedure to improve loose or sagging skin, Renuvion skin tightening, also known as J-Plasma®, is an effective option.

How Does Renuvion Work?

Renuvion is a skin tightening treatment that uses radiofrequency (RF) energy in combination with helium gas to improve sagging, loose skin. During the treatment, a thin wand is inserted just under the skin, delivering a stream of helium plasma and RF heat directly to the tissue.

These energy streams cause the collagen fibers beneath the skin to contract, resulting in tighter and firmer surface skin. Renuvion also spurs the body’s healing process, prompting the longer-term production of collagen (neocollagenesis) for even firmer skin. The treatment is typically performed as an outpatient procedure and takes around 30 to 45 minutes to complete.

Which Areas Can I Improve With Renuvion?

Some commonly treated areas include:

  • Lower face
  • Upper arms
  • Buttocks
  • Thighs
  • Neck
  • Jowls

You can easily combine Renuvion with body sculpting treatments such as liposuction. Liposuction reduces stubborn fat deposits on your body but can’t tighten the surface skin. When combined with body sculpting procedures, Renuvion can enhance your results.

What Can I Expect During the Recovery Process?

You will need to recover 2 to 5 days after your procedure and wear a compression garment for several weeks. Avoid strenuous activities while you heal, and expect to see some bruising and swelling in the treated areas.

How Soon Will I See Results After Renuvion?

You will see tighter, firmer skin immediately after the procedure, although your skin will keep improving for several months to come. However, bruising and swelling may obscure some of your results after the treatment. It takes 6 to 9 months for your skin’s neocollagenesis phase to build firmer, tighter, smoother skin.

How Long Does Renuvion Last?

How long your results will last depends on the individual. Most patients enjoy their Renuvion results for up to 5 years or longer, depending on their skin health. Only one session is needed to achieve youthful-looking and long-lasting results from Renuvion.

Are You a Good Candidate for Renuvion?

You are a good candidate for this procedure if you have mild to moderate skin laxity and prefer a nonsurgical treatment. You must be in good health and have realistic expectations about your results. Patients who want to improve severe skin laxity due to weight fluctuations or pregnancy may have better results with a surgical procedure such as a facelift or tummy tuck.

Renuvion improves sagging and inelastic skin with minimal recovery and downtime. To see if you are a good candidate for this treatment, request a consultation or call us at (239) 262-5662 to schedule an appointment.

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