An entrepreneur in South Florida has taken a supportive device often worn by patients after face lift surgery—a face bra, essentially—as an alternative to a face lift. The website claims that this is an effective alternative to surgery to create a more youthful visage. The website says the device will “smooth away wrinkles, lift sagging jowls and freshen aging complexions” through the application of the wrap and special herbs that are soaked into the wrap before application. The elastic cotton fabric is soaked in liquid minerals before application and worn for 30-40 minutes a day. According to its manufacturer, it creates “noticeable results after three or four applications.”
If only it were so.
As we age, our facial muscles begin to weaken and the diminishing collagen in the skin leads to wrinkling and sagging. Although wearing a face bra may temporarily lift the area, unfortunately it’s quite temporary. The results may be impressive for a few hours but it cannot replace a surgical face lift that repositions the muscles and tissues of the face to a more youthful level.
For any “bra” to be effective, it would have to be worn at all times to counteract gravity, so 40 minutes a day would not be effective. It may help with the more pounding exercises like jogging or rebounding, but who would wear it out in public? Additionally, there is no proof that the “liquid minerals” do anything.
If you’re experiencing the normal signs of facial aging, you can potentially delay a face lift for a time with the judicious use of dermal fillers. Naples, Fl area residents find that fillers with hyaluronic acid actually encourage collagen to rebuild beneath the skin’s surface. However, there will come a time when the results of the dermal fillers will not be sufficient to counteract aging and gravity. At that point, a surgical face lift at our Naples plastic surgery is the solution. When done by an experienced surgeon, a face lift can subtract years from your appearance (and it won’t wear off before the evening is over!).
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