This 28 year old Marco Island man is shown before and after male breast reduction for gynecomastia. by Dr. Kent Hasen of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery of Naples. The development of male breast tissue can severely hamper a man’s lifestyle in South-WestFlorida.Being self conscious about removing your shirt in front of others makes it difficult to take full advantage of living inFlorida.Board CertifiedPlastic Surgeon, V. Hasen, M.D. helps alleviate this troublesome condition with his surgical skill after all causes of gynecomastia have been ruled out or treated.As aNaples, Floridabased cosmetic plastic surgeon whose practice is heavily dedicated to cosmetic and reconstructive breast surgery, Dr. Kent Hasen uses the latest proven techniques in liposuction and excisional surgery to perform cosmetic male breast reduction surgery for gynecomastia.Dr. Hasen performed suction assisted liposuction of the breast and chest in this male breast reduction surgery for gynecomastia.In addition, Dr. Hasen removed breast tissue just under the nipple complex that did not come out with the liposuction portion of the surgery.This breast tissue was like a rubbery small mass 2 inches by 1 inch and was directly excised via a periareolar incision just under the nipple areolar complex.The scars around the nipple usually heal extremely well.In the post-operative period, the patient wore a compression vest for 1 month to help cut down on the post-operative swelling and improve the final contour of the breasts.The patient is shown 1 year after Dr. Hasen performed male breast reduction surgery for his gynecomastia.